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rhythma - sean michael imler

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Archive for September, 2014

KivaWednesday, September 10th, 2014

I felt like I was watching a movie preview and I was being told about a man who had lost his wife to a murder down below his kiva. They were talking about things that went on at people’s personal kivas. I got the sense that this was a white man in an indigenous world, but that he’d been there for a long time and had built or updated, or inherited the kiva. I was able to view the area beneath the kiva and saw the inside of the construction. It was all red dirt, and I could see areas where water was leaking thru. Then the view went to the outside wall and starting backing out to the point that I could see this incredibly humungous wall built from these clay bricks and very long poles like Doug Fir, but even longer. The enormity of this wall was staggering and I wondered who built it and how. I got the sense that there was revenge taking place and that the wife lost her life ceremonially.

Players: Some man and his wife, a narrator
Event Sequence: Just moving out in view and listening like in a movie
Symbols: Kiva, wall, murder
Thoughts: It felt like an entire river had been moved

Isaac NewtonTuesday, September 9th, 2014

I was at Isaac’s beach house and there was a woman there. This was a modern Isaac, not the one from the past. The house was right on the water and we were on the front veranda talking. There was a lot of light yellow and white. There was some attack going on and the area was being destroyed by missiles. People were evacuating. Someone was sending a helicopter for Isaac and he was being resistant to leaving. I was saying to him that it was rediculous that he would be that way because someone cared enough about him to just send helicopter without his request to make sure he was safe. No one was doing that for me. I walked out to the road and saw this long line of Porches driving by to the right. They were different colours and made from different materials for the shell, and varied in model. When they were done, and small scooter drove by headed to the left. I wondered where all these people were going.

Players: A woman, Isaac Newton, me.
Event Sequence: Talking, attack, helicopter, road with Porches
Symbols: House, helicopter, Isaac Newton, Porches, scooter, missiles
Thoughts: Would I leave on Isaac’s helicopter? Why were the Porches driving by? And the scooter?

Tigers on the BridgeSunday, September 7th, 2014

I was in a city that I haven’t been in before. There was river with a rather old bridge crossing it. It reminded me of the Brooklyn Bridge. There was a report of a bengal tiger on the bridge. No one really knew how it got there but it was climbing up the side of and then walking around on it. People were unsure of what to do about it and whether they should fearful of it.

There was a very wide sidewalk that traveled down the hill toward the bridge and I was riding my bicycle toward the bridge. The sidewalk was filled with pedestrians and I was having a difficult time navigating the crowd. It seemed to be lunchtime and there was an exceptionally large number of people to avoid. I would gain speed, then have to come to a near stop. As I got closer to the bridge, I saw that there were actually three tigers on it. I had to cross the bridge as others did, and I was concerned that I would be a moving target for the tigers to attack me. I watched them as I got closer to the entrance of the bridge and noticed that they were climbing the side of the bridge and then jumping into the river below and they seemed to be having quite a good time doing this. I decided that to continue being fearful of them wasn’t worth my time and I continued across the bridge unscathed.

Players: Me, crowd, tigers
Event Sequence: Noticing tigers, riding bicycle, crossing bridge
Symbols: Bridge is obviously some obstacle, possibly to do with people. Tiger is my heart chakra animal, also a beautiful and wild creature, threatened in the wild.
Thoughts: The bridge and tigers are connected but I’m not sure what.

Dad at the LighthouseSaturday, September 6th, 2014

I was riding shotgun in my dad’s truck with him. It was late at night and we were driving along a road connected to the parking lot of a large lighthouse. Even tho it was late and very dark outside along the coast, the colours were brilliant and vibrating like a black light picture. The lighthouse was glowing and radiant and I wanted to stop and take a picture of it. I asked my dad to stop but he wouldn’t. He was complaining that he needed to be somewhere even tho he didn’t. He raced past the lighthouse to the end of the parking lot where the road began. There was traffic so he couldn’t make an immediate exit. I got really angry and started calling him a coward because he wouldn’t stop and just kept on the course he was on in spite of the fact that I wanted to stop. I flew into a rage and start screaming at him. Then, I beat the crap out of him. His body became limp and I dragged it over to a large container that resembled an oversized beach cooler and dumped him in it.

Players: Me and Dad
Event Sequence: Driving, seeing lighthouse, violence
Symbols: Lighthouse – seeing things in the dark when you haven’t seen them before.
Rage and violence: Being fed up with things
Vivid color: Something illuminated
Thoughts and feelings: Mel told me that I screamed “fuck you” in my sleep. I think there’s some pent up anger toward my father for drinking and never stopping and being such an asshole.

The PillFriday, September 5th, 2014

I was sitting with Andy and another woman at a table. The woman was there to talk about some medications and a homeopath was creating, who was also a good friend of Andy’s. Andy pulled out this very large pill that had tiny little white and pink balls inside. She said that this was the best yet and she called it, “H.” She said that I was the one that had helped to formulate it. She tossed it over to me. I asked how much it was. She said it was $420 a pill. I said that I couldn’t afford that and they looked at me astounded, but I told them that I barely make that much money. It was covered in some sort of latex and felt weird. I started making marks on the table with it ‘cos it left a residue. The girls thought I was nuts. I’m wondering how someone take such a large pill.

Players: Some woman, Andy
Event Sequence: Talking, pricing, drawing
Symbols: Pill, drawing with a pill
Thoughts: The pill might represent health freedom but is really expensive. I start drawing with it because it’s enormous and it seems too large to do anything else with it.

The WorkerFriday, September 5th, 2014

I was in a lab and I had been working doing something there. There were workers which were kind of like a slaves, and one of them had escaped. I hadn’t really gotten to know him well. Someone went out and got him back. He was black, wearing a green snakeskin type of suit. They had him heavily bound ‘cos I think they considered him to be dangerous ‘cos he was trying to get away. I got close to him and told him that I was bummed that he tried to escape. The other people were worried that I’d gotten so close to him but I wanted him to know that I cared about him. He didn’t lash out at me.

Players: Slave, scientists, enforcer.
Sequence: Work, escape, retrieve, making up
Symbols: Slavery, worker
Thoughts: If everyone in the dream is you, so is the slave, and I’m trying to escape something but get drawn back in. My self is forgiving of this. If this is a health dream, what part of me does the slave represent?

AltarThursday, September 4th, 2014

I was at the edge of park. There was a large statue and below it a cement slab. On the slab, someone had created an altar. At first glance, it was a strange altar that I thought was made with cheap junk, ‘cos everything was dark, and looked kind of gothic glam. I went closer and started looking at the stones. They were very dark, like smokey quartz, but the pieces were had deep rainbows running thru them. They were exquisite. There was also a box of black spider webs and spiders that were more cheap products, and I wondered who would make an altar like this and what its purpose was.

I stood up and walked over behind the statue and an actor was there being interviewed about a show he was on.

This whole dream must’ve been a reflection of the True Blood interviews that Mel was watching when I got home from class.

Players: An actor that I didn’t know.
Event Sequence: Not much
Symbols: Stones and spiders
Signposts: Not sure there were any.

NeuralAmbience – Extraordinary Meditation MusicMonday, September 1st, 2014

NeuralAmbience Waves
This is music that acts more like an organic soundscape. It includes both left brained science and right brain intuition to create a music that takes you deep into a meditative or trance state quickly and efficiently. It can be used for hypnosis background sound, astral projection, meditation, or intense focus for practical brainstorming or zoning during difficult tasks.

Listen for yourself on youtube or check out the web site.
Youtube: Earthcub
NeuralAmbience Music

Pepper TreeMonday, September 1st, 2014

Some people came up to the porch of my house and Mary Vescera was with them. She was very young like in her early 30’s. She said that Chris had given the houses to her. I was a little mystified and wondered if now she would sell the house to me. I’m not sure who the other people were but they seemed to know a bit about the houses. I looked over to the next neighbor’s place and realized that something was different about the vegetation. I never like when people cut trees down, and I noticed the pepper tree was gone. I walked over there and someone had severely cut the pepper tree back. They had removed the outer layer of bark, revealing a white surface beneath it that made it look like a eucalyptus. I was rather horrified.

Players: Chris and Mary are my landlords and they leave me with uncertainty.
Events: People come to door, give me info, I notice tree I love has been butchered.
Symbols: Ownership of house, transfer of ownership, butchering of tree.
Signposts: Noticing the tree looks like it’s gone.
Questions: Will they now sell the house to me?
Meanings: Seems like anxiety around the house. Changes. Alterations. What might happen if I lost the house.
Hindsight: Could be relationship with Mel.

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