rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

Bar in Boston

I was in a bar in Boston.  There was a comedian that I was waiting to go on stage.  I was sitting in a stool chair with someone that I wanted to be next too but got up to get a drink or something.  By the time I got back, someone else had taken the chair so I went to another one.  The comedian was a black man who was in a cop movie with Wil Smith.  I’ve never liked him all that much.  He went up on stage but wouldn’t start his act because he was waiting for Paula Abdul who had a reserved seat in the back.  When she finally arrived, she was with her body guards.  The comedian was dissing her for being late and she wasn’t too happy about being called out.  When he did start his routine, he was rather cynical.  The stage turned into a pitcher’s mound and he dropped the ball and was clumsily looking around for it.

I was with a group of Chinese men.  We were coming out of a parking garage and going upstairs to a restaurant.  The floor we were walking across was fragmented and I wasn’t wearing shoes.  I realized that without the shoes, I wouldn’t be able to walk on the crack between the floor fragments and I told one of the men that I was going to go back and get my shoes from the car.  I went back downstairs into the parking garage but everything seemed to be different and I was having trouble finding the car.

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