rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

The Whole Christian Mickelsen Thing

I’m having a bit of challenge around deciding whether to ask for my money back. There are some things that have been useful like the structure around your first session with a client (FSTS) and the Rapid Coaching System (RCS). I’ve have used the FSTS format partially for my first conversation with a client, but 90% have been clients that were already going to hire me. I wasn’t doing a free session offer. The one person that I did the free session offer for didn’t take my services, she chose someone else. The RCS has been used a couple of time, but really I haven’t needed to because I already know what to do with my clients when they come to me for healing. I’m mostly work on the inner psychology and blockages which is why they came to me in the first place. I didn’t get any value out of the Client Attraction and Money Making Mastery (CAMMM) because I still don’t have a flood of clients coming in even though I’ve read about and implemented those tools before I even went thru the CAMMM system. I find Christian to be somewhat disingenuous tho I can’t put my finger on why. Well, it may be partly that he had three different opportunities to use his miracle stuff on me, and I believe he chose not to because he wanted me to pay for and come to the Instant Miracle Mastery (IMM) program. He even told me that while I was at IMX after he muscle tested me and found that he might be able to help me with my HIV. If it were me, I would’ve jumped at the chance to help someone cure a disease, not ask for money around it. I guess I’m kind of answering myself. The program hasn’t worked for me. What has were the two coaching trios. My first coaching with Christian’s group was horrible. She basically told me that she’d help me if I signed up for a coaching program. That was lame, especially since I told her about the specific thing I wanted help with. The second session was with Carla. She was much better and went over for me, but I still didn’t get anything out of the session. I took a few notes from that session that I need to go over. Here they are:

• I need to be able to generate more leads online.
• Narrowing my niche has been really challenging. Os to stress management?
• My self confidence gets in the way. I come off as confident and assured but I’m so tired of it bouncing around back and forth, especially with clients that I sometimes can help and other times I can’t. I’m starting to feel like this whole shamanic path doesn’t really work. The spirits aren’t really listening. We’ve created a grand delusion. Even tho I’ve seen the evidence to the contrary. Sometimes I’m successful and sometimes I’m not. I can’t build a thriving practice if I have such a low success rate. Although doctors don’t necessarily have a high success rate with cancer. FUCK
• I really, at my core, love the study of the occult, the unseen, consciousness. I love helping people going really deep with this stuff.
• I’m not getting people to come in for FREE sessions.

How stressed are you today?
Ask people/invite them phrasing in the right way. They get a lot out of your fsts.
Blind leads are $297 for the session.
Other FB groups. Paying attention to who needs your skills and talking to them.
Instagram page for stress management + ads.
Speak to HR about employee productivity and stress reduction. I offer both.
Lunch & learns. Ask if they’d done meditation classes.
Google the industry standards.
Class: teach different styles of meditation like LSL.
Addicted to ibuprofen, drinking. Why they’re doing what they’re doing to cope.
What is the meditation to help. Maybe…
Blood pressure, BMI is ridiculous. People check out their bodies.
LinkedIn people.
Monster.com ads?
Articles of why meditation is good for you. Human resource depts.
Know your avatar – that they’re stressed and feel stuck. Maybe on statins and anti-depressants.
References to studies.
People in Texas and LA spend money on health and wellness.
You’re going to help them get the results they desire!!!

Speak their language, be the heart.

Helping people overcome their personal growth challenges.

Stress Management for Business Leaders

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