rhythma - sean michael imler

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Rhythma Blog

Burning House, Park

I have a large mansion, 5 stories tall. It’s time to let go of it and all the things in it so I set it on fire on the left corner of the house, kind of underneath the overhang of the second floor on a porch or entrance area. The fire starts easily but suddenly I realize that I forgot to get my clothes out of the closet of my room. I go around the right side of the house and go in and start heading up the stairway to the second floor corner where my room is. However, when I get there, it’s not my room. I’m confused and think, well, maybe my room is on the third floor so I go up the stairs and start running into other people that are trying to clear their things out of the house. I get to the corner room, but again it’s not mine. I start up to the fourth floor, same thing. I start asking people if they know where my room is but no one really knows. I recall that out the window, I used to be able to look over the cemetery across the street from a particular vantage point and I’m in the center of the house looking out the window a realizing that the angle’s completely wrong from this point of view. So, I head back down to the bottom of the house to start over again. I’m really concerned that the house is burning and I haven’t gotten what I need out of it and I’m also realizing that the other people aren’t finished either.

I don’t recall if this is the a separate dream, but I think I have what I can get from the house. I’m at the big dark dirt spiral that has the canyon and leads off into the green mountains. It’s feeling very large and I’m traveling.

It’s very early in the morning, just before sunrise. I’m down in the plains of the area of society, but it’s a nice part, a park. I think there’s going to be a gathering of some sort coming. There are people camped, waiting. I’m passing by and see statues of people made out of what looks like cement and palm bark. There’s a mist or fog hovering in the air.

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