rhythma - sean michael imler

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Rhythma Blog

Dad, Restaurant Toilet, Tent Sleeping

I recall being in a bed and I was trying to fall back to sleep and my dad came walking down the hall. I pulled the sheet up over part of my face and pretended to sleep ‘cos I didn’t know what kind of mood he was in. But he came and crawled into bed with me and it felt so good to have him be tender instead of mean.

I was sleeping in a large tent on the ground, near a house. Some guy whom I apparently knew came over to talk with me and wouldn’t stop talking until I ignored him showing that I really wanted to go back to sleep.

I walked into a restaurant ‘cos I needed to sit on the toilet and there were two toilets that were just sitting in the middle of the restaurant and there was a man and a woman directing people to them. Even tho I’d been standing there, women were just walking in and getting to go to the toilet while the men’s toilet line wasn’t moving. It was getting irritating. Then, this young guy came up and put his hand on my shoulder from behind and was steering me to move. It really pissed me off and I shook off his hand. Then he did it again and I went ballistic. I got up in his face and told him what for and freaked him out. I even motioned to assault him and freaked him out even more and he started sniveling and apologizing.

Thoughts: Two sleeping dreams is interesting, probably acknowledging what I desire, love and rest.

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