rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog


I’m in a large tent with a lot of people. Big like a circus tent. It’s at night and the tent in next to a small. There are a lot of people inside the tent. I’ve been chatting with others about things but choosing to stand near and entrance that’s looking down an avenue alongside some buildings. Suddenly an enormous bird flies away from me down the avenue. I step outside as it’s flying to get a glimpse of it but it’s night and there aren’t enough lights illuminating it. Then… a reindeer is running down the avenue after the bird. Now, I know it’s a reindeer because it’s all dark brown and very thick like a bear. I have no idea why I believe this to be a reindeer but the word is bouncing through my head though I know it looks more like a long legged bear. I chase after it and it turns right at a street corner and starts heading up a hill through stands of people. I continue to follow it up the hill to a group of people where a man catches it. When I arrive there, someone says he’s a sundancer and we should listen to him. He’s hold a clutch of these reindeer. He says that one of them did something and was attacked by seven of them. He stepped in to stop them from hurting the one.

Confusing as I don’t know what kind of bird it was, nor why I consider these reindeer when they don’t look like it.

Feeling of wanting to save.

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