rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

Woman with Beans

I’m sitting in an office similar to mine now. I know it’s Monday morning and I hear the gardener and I think they’ve changed their day from Tuesday. I look out the back window and the backyard is not the backyard I expect. There’s a wall where the succulents are but it’s a different color like a light green, and there isn’t really much furniture or plants out there. I’m confused and wondering where I am. There’s a door that goes outside and I go thru it. There’s another house right next to this one with a walkway dividing them so the backyard is shared. Kind of like a duplex. I think I’m not wearing a shirt like I just got out of the shower or something. I go back in thru the back yard and arrive in an enclosed back porch. There’re are a few steps leading up to a kitchen back door. I go thru the door and there’s a woman in the kitchen. I’m unsure as to whether I should walk in because I don’t know what I look like. I feel like I’m in someone else’ body and I’m wondering if that’s the case. I decide to walk into the kitchen and notice a large frying pan with beans in it that are being heated up. The woman looks NA. She has nice brown skin and a full head of long, straight, dark auburn hair. She says hello just like she knows me. I walk thru the kitchen to the dining room when this song starts playing in my head. It’s a piano piece and it’s really catchy, poppy. I started working out how to play it on a piano in my head and the whole scene switched to that.

I was pretty cognizant of what was going on. Like I’d moved into someone else’ body.

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