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Posts Tagged ‘bicycle’

In JailMonday, March 30th, 2015

I’m on vacation with a group of people in a latin country and we all get arrested for no reason. They take us to jail and the police are detaining us on benches. We need to fill out personal information forms to give back to them. When the form and pen comes to me, the pen stops working and I go thru some sort of time warp when I have to pick the pen off the ground. When I sit up, everyone is gone and I’m forgotten about. I go to an information window and start talking to the woman at the counter, but I’m considering just leaving and I’m looking around for the exit, but I’m not sure if this is going to work or not and I’m a little nervous about it. I wait and the people return as they’re finally be released. In the meantime, I found out that there are arbitrators available and people are paying money to have the process expedited for them. Not only that, but they’re trying to sell the people gold bracelets and necklaces. Total scam. I get back with my group because I think it’s almost time for our names to be called to leave.

I’m riding a bicycle back to where I want to be, but the rules are so strict that you can’t even ride a bicycle past the speed limit on the trails and the limit is really slow. I’m riding behind a guy who’s riding so slow that I keep finding myself right on top of him and I can just see his butt rocking back and forth on the seat. He shouts something back at me like, “Are you checking out my ass?” but another riders gets between us although I don’t think he knows this and doesn’t know that I can’t really hear him.

Bicycle Boy, Colorful CommuneTuesday, March 24th, 2015

I’m walking around a city and I can’t tell if it’s the edge of morning or night, but it’s very dimly lit. I’m on foot and heading toward a home that’s not mine. When I get there, I realize that I don’t want to go in so I continue walking. I’m really enjoying myself. Then I start to skip but in a most strange fashion. I’m swinging my legs way out in a large circle, then bring the foot behind the other but bouncing forward at the same time. I realize this probably looks strange but I like it and I don’t care. I’m getting close to a school as I travel down the sidewalk, and I see a boy on a bicycle coming toward me. It’s a blue Schwinn bicycle. The boy is probably 12, he’s thin and black. I move a bit to the side so he can pass but as he’s about to pass me, he jumps off his bike with a growl and lurches to attack me. I project my left arm in an attempt to strike him and wake up.

I’m in a very large building that’s housing hundreds of students of all different ages. There are continual classes going on and people are getting together to learn all kinds of things. There’s a scientific group that’s studying fish and when they’re done, they cook all these different fish in different ways and you can go eat them. There are groups of gay men there and I befriend one of them but when I want to talk to him, I come across a polyamorous group playing. I continue walking around and there is a group of girls that want to talk with me. Looking around, everything is so colourful and vibrant. Personalities, clothing, objects, everything has a liveliness to it. I’m considering my place in this environment. Does it suit me, do I fit in? The girls, I realize are hitting on my until I finally tell one of them that I’m gay. They’re really disappointed, but it explains things for them. I think a couple of them don’t care and continue flirting with me.

Thoughts: Another black boy on a bicycle… it’s like they’re guardians of something. When I start to make my own decisions, they pop up and scare me awake.

Bicycle Thief, Strange MusicFriday, March 6th, 2015

I was riding my bike near my mom’s house. I was young. I was near where the old apt comes up to Magnolia and there were two paths I could choose. I chose the one that was a little more dangerous and when I got along it, these two black kids on one bike came up to me. One of them was talking to me in gibberish and I knew I was in trouble. I started pedaling to outrun them but my gear seemed to be really high and I couldn’t work up any speed and there was just no way to outrun them and they were coming up behind me. I had no idea how I was going to get out of this.

I was on Riverside Dr. at night. I was walking along and there was this guy on a skateboard with a fishnet on a pole in one hand and handheld grip on a pole in the other and he was coming up the street behind me picking up candy from the ground. I asked him what he was doing and he told me that people were discarding all of their chocolate candy and it was worth a lot of money so he was collecting it. I asked him if it was really good candy so he gave me some. I unwrapped it and it was a bit melty and got all over my fingers, but it tasted good. There were three pieces and all were tasty candy. The dream changed and I was with a group of people in what felt like San Diego, people were preparing for a music contest. The teams weren’t bands or anything; they were like tech teams who were assembling equipment. One team was trying to get their printer to work ‘cos they needed to be getting data in realtime. I saw a stack of paper another team had and what was printing on the top were strange figures that had been circled and made no sense to me. They were in the back of a large truck doing this. The contest was to be held in a house that I walked into and was talking to someone in there. He was telling me about the importance of this contest, that there was no other like it. The house was filled with people waiting for this. There wasn’t even standing room. Then the dream shifted again and I was with Natalie and I was discussing music while looking at rhythma.com. I was creating a new page that had a music player on it and I was loading songs into it. First was Island of Misfit Toys and it started playing, but it was a completely different song that I’d never heard before. Next was a new song that I told her the name of but I can’t recall it now. Next was Sinner… then I awoke.

Thoughts: These are the first dreams that have a location that I’ve seen before in days and both were near my mom’s house.

The Lady Next DoorThursday, September 25th, 2014

I was living at my mom’s. Rob was living there as well. I was trying to think of ways that I could improve my relationship with him because walking around the house was like a mine field. He was dominating the living room and I felt confined to my bedroom. My Mini Cooper was parked out by where the trash cans go. I was supposed to be going to school, which was Valley College in the valley neighborhood. I seemed to have a Thursday night schedule and school was just starting for the semester. I had two obligations and was getting in the car to leave. I noticed that the dash board was flipped down and I had to flip it up to see the gauges. When I did, the dash was a modern version of the old classic dash I had. The gas gauge was very different and modern, and I had to analyze it for a moment to access whether it was working. The gauges were all very colorful. I drove up the block before I realized that I didn’t know exactly where I was going and I turned around and drove back up the block to my my mom’s. This time when I got there, I made a u-turn in from of Bonnee’s and noticed that there was a beautiful garden in front. I had a recognition that it was Brad who made it this way. I had overshot it to park, but decided to back up so I could look at the beautiful plants. There was an amazingly healthy hydrangea with large pink flowers, and other flowering plants. As I was looking at them, I was in front of the next door neighbor’s (Tracy’s) driveway when an older woman came up to the car. I recognized her as being the person that lived there, although in reality, I have no idea who she was. She started talking to me about her son. She was walking with a walker but was trying to detach a couple canes from the walker because she was apparently going to drive somewhere. She was telling me that she was unhappy with her son because he wouldn’t visit her and he wouldn’t let anyone visit for long. I guessed that he was also somewhat physically incapacitated because she alluded to him having a chair or walker or something, and that no one could see him higher than his ankles. I guess he had boots and some sort of electrical device. Suddenly, there was another woman with her and there were two bicycles. They were telling me that they were going to throw one of them away because it was broken. I asked what was wrong with it and started to look examine it. The seat was missing a couple bolts that had caused the whole seat mechanism (which was overly complicated) to fall apart. I told them it wasn’t necessary to get rid of it and I could help them fix it. The woman was very pleased and mentioned that she wished her son was like me.

Players: Me, Rob, woman next door, additional woman
Events: Thinking about collaborating with Rob, driving off, returning, seeing garden, meeting woman next door
Symbols: Gas gauge, school, bicycle, mini cooper, Rob, woman next door, garden
Thoughts: I had a conversation with Mel about the dash on the mini recently. I wished that I could have a healthy beautiful garden like the one in front of Bonnee’s. Interesting that I was having some remorse about the situation with Rob. The garden wasn’t at my mom’s, it was next door.

Tigers on the BridgeSunday, September 7th, 2014

I was in a city that I haven’t been in before. There was river with a rather old bridge crossing it. It reminded me of the Brooklyn Bridge. There was a report of a bengal tiger on the bridge. No one really knew how it got there but it was climbing up the side of and then walking around on it. People were unsure of what to do about it and whether they should fearful of it.

There was a very wide sidewalk that traveled down the hill toward the bridge and I was riding my bicycle toward the bridge. The sidewalk was filled with pedestrians and I was having a difficult time navigating the crowd. It seemed to be lunchtime and there was an exceptionally large number of people to avoid. I would gain speed, then have to come to a near stop. As I got closer to the bridge, I saw that there were actually three tigers on it. I had to cross the bridge as others did, and I was concerned that I would be a moving target for the tigers to attack me. I watched them as I got closer to the entrance of the bridge and noticed that they were climbing the side of the bridge and then jumping into the river below and they seemed to be having quite a good time doing this. I decided that to continue being fearful of them wasn’t worth my time and I continued across the bridge unscathed.

Players: Me, crowd, tigers
Event Sequence: Noticing tigers, riding bicycle, crossing bridge
Symbols: Bridge is obviously some obstacle, possibly to do with people. Tiger is my heart chakra animal, also a beautiful and wild creature, threatened in the wild.
Thoughts: The bridge and tigers are connected but I’m not sure what.

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