rhythma - sean michael imler

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Posts Tagged ‘Chris’

Tunnel, Water ValvesFriday, May 15th, 2015

I’m in some sort of cavern with branching tunnels. There’s a man that reminds me of a Mongolian warrior in there. I know that I’m carrying a sack full of sound healing instruments and they’re very valuable, but only to someone who know how to use them. The warrior seems to be a friend or at least an ally. I walk into a cavern and there’s someone there that could be menacing. He’s dressed like the warrior in furs, and large fur hat, has dark skin and slanted eyes. I’m not clear whether he’s an ally or not but the warrior steps in and helps to sway the man into not harming me.

I’m with Chris and Mel in a shop that Chris owns. He’s wearing a yellow shirt and he’s been really busy with customers coming in. There may even be some sort of conference in the area. I’ve been staying with him and Andrea but we haven’t had time to talk. I had just gotten done eating lunch. Chris looks at me and realizes that we haven’t had any time to talk together. He asks me if I’d like to get lunch but I say that I’ve already eaten. I say that Mel hasn’t eaten tho. Chris looks at my kind of sorry that he’s been so busy but it’s understandable.

I’m doing something with water valves and I have a list of valves that I need to turn off for some reason. I’m going around town doing this. I’m at a particular location and there’s a river running by this building that I’m sitting outside the door to. There’s a group of women around me. I have to pry the door open and when I finally do, I see that little girl sitting at a desk. I realize this is someone’s home and I don’t want to disturb them. I can tell that the door has been sealed shut with foam for insulation so I close it and tell the women that I’m not going to shut off the valve here in this way. I ask where my clipboard is so I can mark off this address and I scan the pile of junk there and find it.

Thoughts: The last dream seems like a body related dream tho I’m not sure what part of the body. Maybe bladder?

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