rhythma - sean michael imler

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rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

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Posts Tagged ‘faucet’

Dad, the Fuzzy Animal, S.W.A.T.Friday, January 16th, 2015

There was this little fuzzy animal, kind of a cross between a cat and a ferret at my dad’s house out in the country. It was grey and black, and apparently meant a lot to me. Someone was going to take it away and I was very sad about this so I was trying to spend time with it. The number 3 seems distinctive for some reason. Then I recall walking over to a sink to clean something up and the sink was huge so that I couldn’t reach the faucet. There was something of my dad’s in there and I had spilled something on it as well.

Next dream was about a S.W.A.T. team that was coming into my house. I was thinking that someone had complained about something or was trying to frame me. They came and left and it wasn’t a huge deal, except that they came back a second time and hadn’t come over yet but were across the street doing exercises in the driveway of the condo complex. I recall thinking to myself that I didn’t have time to hang around so I left. I tried to call Dean to see if he could take care of it but he didn’t answer the phone. I tried to call Natalie and neither did she, but I recall thinking that they wouldn’t listen to her anyhow.

Players: Dad, Dean, Natalie, S.W.A.T.
Thoughts: The first dream is very much about Wrigley and Kirby.

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