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Posts Tagged ‘house’

Guy at the HouseMonday, June 22nd, 2015

I’m talking with a guy who I’m dating. He’s a bout 5’10”, looks possibly Italian and Greek, brown hair, about 180lbs. He’s telling me that he sometimes felt lonely and went to the house next door to me when I was available. He calls the house something like a dump, but that’s not the word he’s using. A little later, I’m across from the house watching it. It’s a two story house, fairly large. It doesn’t look that bad. 4 guys come out of it, each with pretty long hair. They look like 80s L.A. rockers with bleached hair and colorful clothing and they’re very trashed. They can barely walk. It’s kind of funny.

Dad’s Iced TeaWednesday, May 13th, 2015

I’m with my dad outside someone’s house while he’s working on a car. He asks me if I’ll get him some iced tea from the house. I go in the house and there are a lot of people in there, that I mostly don’t know, but they’re family. I start looking for cups and the iced tea. It’s really crowded and I’m waiting to get the opportunity to open cupboard doors in a central counter while people are talking to me. Finally, I get a cup and run into a woman. She’s kinda short with straight dark hair and says her name is Diane or Diana. I realize she’s my aunt who passed away and I never met. I introduce myself to her.

Thoughts: I was initially working with 3-4 dreams but I can’t recall the others now. I need to write them down immediately upon getting up. One of the others was SO strong that I’m amazed that I can’t see it now.

Capitola HouseMonday, January 26th, 2015

I was standing at the garage door of the house I used to live in in Capitola Village. There was a window in the garage door that wasn’t actually there, and thru it I could see that someone with blonde curly hair was locking me in it. I just happened to know that I’d created a secret door that would take me into a room built into the garage so I wasn’t worried. I stepped thru the secret door, walked thru the room and made my way to the door that exited to the back yard. The yard seemed larger than I remember it and there was a large planter in the center with some plants growing out of it. I turned the corner to where the stairs would’ve been which weren’t there now, and was going to exit the yard and ended up in a garage for the house next door. It was kind of like a converted carport that I never remembered being there. As I walked thru it, I realized that it had windows from their house looking into this carport/garage and there was someone standing nearby tho they weren’t directly facing me. Worried that I’d be seen, I ducked. There were a couple of people there encouraging me to get out but afraid of being seen, I had to ignore their pleading to leave and step closer to the house that I’d come from. I realized that while I was focused on the next door neighbors house and garage, the house I’d originally come from had changed, been updated in a sense. They also had an enclosed carport with windows looking into their house, and their carport was connected to the neighbor’s. I slipped stealthily closer to their windows and could see that they’d completely redone their kitchen with new dark wood cabinets. It looked really nice, but I still wasn’t sure how to get out of there. Suddenly, the man of the house came walking toward the door that divided the kitchen from the carport. He had a large grey dog with him. There was absolutely nowhere to go. He came out the door with the dog and the dog immediately came over to me. Being the dog lover that I am, I immediately made friends with the dog and told the man, “I’m really sorry that I’m here in your garage but I think I must be bi-locating. This woke me up ‘cos I had to pee. Lovely… I tried to go back into the dream after my bathroom break and I was mildly successful, but everything was very fragmented. It had something to do with the people that were outside of the garage and a kitchen. I recall seeing lots of metal like a sink, industrial sprayer, counters, etc., but that’s all I can remember.

Players: Me, guy who locked me in, people outside garage, person inside next door neighbor’s house, man in house, dog
Events: Locked in garage, escape to back yard, hiding in neighbor’s garage, found by man in his garage, dog
Thoughts: Bi-location is interested. This was kind of a lucid dream. I overcame my fear.

SF Hills, The TramThursday, January 22nd, 2015

I was up in the hills around Twin Peaks. It seemed to be morning and I was trying to come down out of the higher elevations but the roads were blocked by houses that were being torn down. There was debris everywhere and the guys who were pulling these old houses apart were leaving their trucks parked in the roads, and leaving huge chunks of house just laying anywhere they felt like. It got to the point that I couldn’t navigate it in a car, and even walking was becoming difficult. So, I started walking directly thru people’s homes. I would usually walk in thru the back door and go looking for the front door. Many of the homes were really large and the architecture was uncommon so it wasn’t clear where the front door might be. Many times, the people were home and I would either try to avoid being seen or just try to blend in unnoticed. I was doing pretty well with this process until a guy finally stopped me and asked me what I was doing. I told him. He detained me, not to bust me but to talk to me. He wanted to get my feedback on some sort of electrical device that he was working on. I can’t recall the details now, but I didn’t something an it attracted another guy who came over. I was really just wanting to get out of there.

I was riding on a home-made tram that carted people thru the streets. Each car was about 4 feet wide, had a rail on one side with a bench below it. You could just stop on and off of it at any time and side down or stand as it was moving. The guy who made it was driving it from a small towing vehicle, kind of like something you might see on a farm. He was a heavy-set latino who was a friend of mine. We had pulled up to a red light and were going to make a right turn. There was no one on the tram but me because it was night and it was out of commission. I was laying on one of the benches just enjoying the ride. On the sidewalk where we were waiting for the red light, there were large rooms constructed with some sort of fair that was parked there. The rooms were painted yellow with black spots. You would go in the room and there was a strobe light. Also in the room was a person that was also dressed in yellow with black spots like the room. When people would enter the room, so would the dressed up person, and they would dance and spaz out while blending in with the room, and freak the people out. You could watch this from the street on the outside thru a plexiglass wall. One of the dancers came out and jumped on the tram and started dancing. Since I was laying down, I started dancing laying down with my legs in the air. That’s when I realized that my friend had gotten off the tram and no one was driving. So I willed the tram forward and made the right turn and started traveling up the street. I saw my friend at a booth and gave him a thumbs-up.

Players: Me, guy in house, friend on tram, dancers
Events: Dodging debris, going thru houses until stopped, riding tram, watching dancers, engaging with dancer, turning right and proceedings, giving thumbs-up
Thoughts: The houses could be other people’s bodies and the healing work that I do, I have to dodge people’s problems. I don’t know about the tram, but it’s another in a series of transportation devices.

Isaac NewtonTuesday, September 9th, 2014

I was at Isaac’s beach house and there was a woman there. This was a modern Isaac, not the one from the past. The house was right on the water and we were on the front veranda talking. There was a lot of light yellow and white. There was some attack going on and the area was being destroyed by missiles. People were evacuating. Someone was sending a helicopter for Isaac and he was being resistant to leaving. I was saying to him that it was rediculous that he would be that way because someone cared enough about him to just send helicopter without his request to make sure he was safe. No one was doing that for me. I walked out to the road and saw this long line of Porches driving by to the right. They were different colours and made from different materials for the shell, and varied in model. When they were done, and small scooter drove by headed to the left. I wondered where all these people were going.

Players: A woman, Isaac Newton, me.
Event Sequence: Talking, attack, helicopter, road with Porches
Symbols: House, helicopter, Isaac Newton, Porches, scooter, missiles
Thoughts: Would I leave on Isaac’s helicopter? Why were the Porches driving by? And the scooter?

Pepper TreeMonday, September 1st, 2014

Some people came up to the porch of my house and Mary Vescera was with them. She was very young like in her early 30’s. She said that Chris had given the houses to her. I was a little mystified and wondered if now she would sell the house to me. I’m not sure who the other people were but they seemed to know a bit about the houses. I looked over to the next neighbor’s place and realized that something was different about the vegetation. I never like when people cut trees down, and I noticed the pepper tree was gone. I walked over there and someone had severely cut the pepper tree back. They had removed the outer layer of bark, revealing a white surface beneath it that made it look like a eucalyptus. I was rather horrified.

Players: Chris and Mary are my landlords and they leave me with uncertainty.
Events: People come to door, give me info, I notice tree I love has been butchered.
Symbols: Ownership of house, transfer of ownership, butchering of tree.
Signposts: Noticing the tree looks like it’s gone.
Questions: Will they now sell the house to me?
Meanings: Seems like anxiety around the house. Changes. Alterations. What might happen if I lost the house.
Hindsight: Could be relationship with Mel.

Work on the StairsTuesday, August 23rd, 2011

I was sitting on a sofa in a first floor room, next to the kitchen of “the house.” The room was bright and cheerful, and yellowish colour with some sort of floral pattern on the wall. I’m not sure what the room was. It seemed that it could have been a dining room because it was next to the kitchen, but it wasn’t done up so. I was going to read some to Kevin but there was a lot of noise coming from the stairwell because there were workers doing some sort of restructuring to the stairs between the first and third floors.

I walked into the stairwell to close the door in the ceiling and ran into one of the workers. He told me that he wouldn’t be able to leave it closed for long because he was going to need to do work there soon. I told Kevin the situation and were discussed going to another part of the house to escape the noise. We talked about the fourth floor. I still had a little bit of a lingering odd feeling about the fourth floor because that’s where the ghosts used to be. I had now been all renovated, painted yellow and white, and the ghosts were no longer there, but there was still a memory of what it used to be liked which I was not quite comfortable with. Regardless, it was still unfurnished so there wouldn’t be anywhere to sit. We talked about the third floor which was still dark because people hardly went up there, but it was nice and quiet in the far corner of the house and we looked at each other agreement that it would be a good place to go.

Odd Dream SeriesTuesday, September 1st, 2009

I was with a large group of people and I and another man had contributed immensely to some group and Jan was there as the leader of the group.  She was looking me in the eyes with that great sparkling appreciative look and shaking my hands in hers and telling me what a great person I was and what a great contribution I’d made and how grateful she was.

Shortly following that, I was walking down a very large hallway in a giant hotel or convention center.  The walls were dark and it was very lavish.  I was following Karen.  I may have ended up in a bathroom I think.

Then, I was up high in a building overlooking the city below.  My friend Greg was putting some combination of explosives and fireworks under his house.  When he finally set it off, his house shot way up in the air, probably 200 feet or more, launched by this extreme explosion.  I don’t think he ever saw that house again.

I was in a large home sitting at a dining room table with my mother.  We were in a reality tv series so there were cameras and mics set up all over.  We started talking about sex but realized that it probably a good idea considering the circumstances.

I was with Mel and we were discussing buying a house.  It was a place that we weren’t certain that we could live full-time but rather part-time.  We were concerned how safe it would be with us being gone so much but were partly relieved that our friends lived next door and would look after it for us.  I was thinking that it was Toby next door.

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