rhythma - sean michael imler

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rhythma - sean michael imler

Music for the heart, mind, and spirit...

Rhythma Blog

Posts Tagged ‘murder’

KivaWednesday, September 10th, 2014

I felt like I was watching a movie preview and I was being told about a man who had lost his wife to a murder down below his kiva. They were talking about things that went on at people’s personal kivas. I got the sense that this was a white man in an indigenous world, but that he’d been there for a long time and had built or updated, or inherited the kiva. I was able to view the area beneath the kiva and saw the inside of the construction. It was all red dirt, and I could see areas where water was leaking thru. Then the view went to the outside wall and starting backing out to the point that I could see this incredibly humungous wall built from these clay bricks and very long poles like Doug Fir, but even longer. The enormity of this wall was staggering and I wondered who built it and how. I got the sense that there was revenge taking place and that the wife lost her life ceremonially.

Players: Some man and his wife, a narrator
Event Sequence: Just moving out in view and listening like in a movie
Symbols: Kiva, wall, murder
Thoughts: It felt like an entire river had been moved

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