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Posts Tagged ‘valley’

FragmentsThursday, March 26th, 2015

I’m with a group of people and some teacher. There’s a young blonde woman talking to the teacher and I’m sitting close by listening. He’s asking her about dates for birth, time of birth, and something else. The teacher tells me to give them the information so I close my eyes and say, “Aug 24th or 25th, at either 5:16am or 6:16am.” There’s a shiver that comes over my body and when I open my eyes, the woman is looking at me with a look of shock on her face.

I’m walking along the rim of a large chasm or valley. I’m looking at the water far below and asking someone if we should put in a diving board. Suddenly, I’m in a house with Dave and a mini Dave, and his parents. His dad is telling me that he needs healing work done that I’m agreeing to, as I look out the window at two men and a kid playing out by the riverside. We walk out of the house and I end up getting stickers in my socks so I need to sit on a bench to pull them out before I put on my boots. Mini Dave is talking to me and I have a dream within a dream of some kid in colored darkness and I’m telling the Daves about it.

Thoughts: Both dreams seems to have healing stuff in them. The Wind Cries Mary was running thru my head.

Raga Man, Test, The PitFriday, March 13th, 2015

There was a man that I’d met with long hair. I had the impression that he was very smart and a great musician. He went to a party. I’m walking thru the neighborhood near the old Pedal Shop. I’m wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. As I’m walking, I start ripping the shorts from the waistband down until they’re in shreds and I just have my underwear on. At the time it seemed like the right thing to do but now I feel as tho I’m rather exposed and it’s inappropriate. When I get to the street along the freeway, I run into the guy with the long hair. I ask him how he is and he starts telling me about this party he’s been to. He’s not speaking very articulately, and is speaking about some music he was playing that sounded exotic. I ask him if it was a raga because I can hear it playing in my head. He doesn’t know, “but the food was really good”, he says. He seems to be a different person that I expected him to be.

I’m in the kitchen of a house I’ve never seen before, and I’m arranging things in a refrigerator. Next, I’m in a room and it’s really late at night with two other men. One of them is a teacher and the other is a student as I am. The teacher is trying to help us prepare for a test. It’s a really big test that involves many subjects and this first one has something to do with mathematics. When we finish with that subject, I’m exhausted and want to sleep, but there’s so much more to do. I’m wondering how staying up all night before a big test is a good thing to do and I doze for a while.

I’m in a very large construction zone. I’m pretty sure I’m on a different planet. We’re digging a large hole for something and I have a post hole digger and I’m trying to fix something that is otherwise a mistake. I tell the foreman that it can be done and to give me some time. There’s a girl there that kind of getting in the way. I look around at this large valley that we’re applying a cut stone tile face to. We’re building what looks like a giant arena. I notice that there’s a construction of a table on four pillars that looks really precarious. Someone is calling to a woman who reminds me of Kara Thrace. I’m telling them it’s not necessary to wake her and I know she wants to sleep.

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